Pomegranate and Hasland Theatres

Last modified:03 January 1996

Hasland Playhouse

The 1995/1996 programme

Ticket Sales: The theatre box, office, Storforth Lane, is open Tuesday and Thursday evenings: 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. and Saturday mornings 10.00 a.m. to 13 noon for three weeks prior to each production.

Pomegranate Theatre

Box Office: opening Hours Monday to Saturday 10am to 7pm Bookings can be made in person at the Theatre Box Office, Corporation Street, or at the Peacock Information Centre, Low Pavement, Chesterfield. Telephone 01246 232901 to reserve seats. There is access for the disabled to the theatre, bar, coffee bar and toilets. Information compiled by Jon Rouse from the theatre flyers. For more information about the compiler and North East Derbyshire see his